Shock and Trauma | Part 2


‘From the Latin word vulnerare, “to wound,” vulnerability is our susceptibility to be wounded. This fragility is part of our nature and cannot be escaped. The best the brain can do is to shut down conscious awareness of it when pain becomes so vast or unbearable that it threatens to overwhelm our capacity to function.

- Gabor Maté, In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction.


As previously discussed in Part 1, when we go into shock and trauma, we may be unaware.  It may only be through the resulting metal/emotional or physical symptoms that we come to realise that something may be wrong, and something within us may be out of balance.  I recently experienced this and once again felt the power of homeopathy. It bought me back into my body and out of shock.  From this place, I could deal with the shocking news from a healthier and more helpful place.

Recently on hearing unexpected bad news I went into shock and spent about 6 weeks there.  Luckily for me, that was a fairly short time.  Some people can spend months or years in a state of shock and suffer with the resulting physical and mental emotional symptoms. 

I can look back now and see that I went into shock without knowing.  Over the following weeks, my immune system was compromised, and I began experiencing a series of seemingly unrelated illness – cold and flu type symptoms, an infected piercing, swollen tonsils, a painful left knee, and a painful right hip, together with sleep issue, and mental and emotional symptoms.  

The homeopathic consultation gave me time to talk and through careful questioning, my homeopath could clearly identify the starting point of these illnesses; I had never been well since receiving shocking and unexpected news.  This clear aetiology as well the other symptoms, together with changes to sleep patterns and food preferences enabled her to prescribe a triad of remedies which included a well-known homeopathic shock remedy: Aconite. 

Aconite is another of our general remedies for shock and can also be used in preparing 

people for shock, both physically and mentally for example giving before surgery or 

exams, or trip to the dentist. 

I was prescribed Aconite to begin with and this remedy noticeably and quickly started the process of restoring me back to health.


Many writers and therapists who deal with shock and trauma agree that to help resolve shock and trauma, people need to get back in touch with their body and their self. “Trauma is not, will not and can never be fully healed until we also address the essential role played by the body” (Peter A Levine. Waking The Tiger)

Homeopathy helps us to come back into our bodies and to feel grounded and safe, and this can be the start of dealing with life and its issues from a healthier place.

Don’t suffer in silence, seek help: There are many treatments and adjunct therapies that can assist with Shock and Trauma with Homeopathy being one of these.  If you suspect you may be suffering from shock or trauma, you could seek assistance from a qualified homeopath, who with careful questioning during the consultation, will be able to prescribe a suitable shock or trauma remedy. 

I offer free 15-minute calls, should you wish to find out how homeopathy can help you (with no obligation to book a follow-up session).

Whatever you're going through, the Samaritans is a fantastic organisation, at the end of the phone 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.




Shock and Trauma | Part 1